Bhopal (page 1/2)

Montre maintenant: Bhopal - Timbres officiels (1908 - 1949) - 59 Timbres-poste.

[Coat of Arms - Inscribed: "BEGUMS SERVICE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted Service, type A] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed: "BEGUMS SERVICE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted Service, type B] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed: "BEGUMS SERVICE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted Service, type C] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed: "BEGUMS SERVICE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted Service, type C1] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed: "BEGUMS SERVICE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted Service, type D] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed: "BEGUMS SERVICE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted Service, type D1]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1 A ½A - 3,52 0,54 - USD  Info
1A* A1 ½A - 8,13 1,08 - USD  Info
2 B 1A - 6,50 0,54 - USD  Info
2A* B1 1A - 11,92 1,63 - USD  Info
3 C 2A - 36,84 0,54 - USD  Info
3A* C1 2A - 5,42 0,81 - USD  Info
4 D 4A - 15,17 0,81 - USD  Info
4A* D1 4A - 102 1,63 - USD  Info
1‑4 - 62,03 2,43 - USD 
1930 Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE"

1. juillet WM: Aucun Perforation: 14

[Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE", type E] [Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE", type F] [Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE", type G] [Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE", type H]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
5 E ½A - 14,08 2,17 - USD  Info
6 F 1A - 15,17 0,54 - USD  Info
7 G 2A - 14,08 1,08 - USD  Info
8 H 4A - 15,17 1,63 - USD  Info
5‑8 - 58,50 5,42 - USD 
[Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE", type I] [Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE", type I1] [Coat of Arms overprinted "SERVICE", type I3]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
9 I ¼A 3,79 - 0,81 - USD  Info
9A I1 ¼A 8,13 - 0,54 - USD  Info
9B I2 ¼A 15,17 - 0,54 - USD  Info
9C I3 ¼A 19,50 - 0,54 - USD  Info
[Coat of Arms - Inscrbed on Right: "Bhopal Govt." overprinted SERVICE, type J] [Coat of Arms - Inscrbed on Right: "Bhopal Govt." overprinted SERVICE, type K] [Coat of Arms - Inscrbed on Right: "Bhopal Govt." overprinted SERVICE, type L] [Coat of Arms - Inscrbed on Right: "Bhopal Govt." overprinted SERVICE, type M]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
10 J ½A - 8,13 0,54 - USD  Info
11 K 1A - 14,08 0,54 - USD  Info
12 L 2A - 14,08 0,81 - USD  Info
13 M 4A - 10,83 1,63 - USD  Info
10‑13 - 47,12 3,52 - USD 
[Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type N] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type O] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type P] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type Q] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type R] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type S1] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type T] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type U] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type U1] [Coat of Arms overprinted with New Value, type V]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
14 N ¼/½A - 36,84 20,58 - USD  Info
15 O 3/½P/A - 4,60 5,42 - USD  Info
16 P ¼/2A - 39,00 26,00 - USD  Info
17 Q 3/2P/A - 7,04 5,42 - USD  Info
18 R ¼/4A - 97,51 34,67 - USD  Info
18A* R1 ¼/4A - 1 191 411 - USD  Info
19 S 3/4P/A - 3,79 4,88 - USD  Info
19A* S1 3/4P/A - 151 75,84 - USD  Info
20 T 1/½A - 5,42 2,17 - USD  Info
21 U 1/2A - 1,08 2,17 - USD  Info
21A* U1 1/2A - 3,25 2,71 - USD  Info
22 V 1/4A - 7,04 7,58 - USD  Info
14‑22 - 202 108 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - Inscribed "BHOPAL GOVT POSTAGE" overprinted SERVICE, type W]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
23 W 1`3A - 5,42 1,08 - USD  Info
[Coat of Arms - Inscribed "POSTAGE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted SERVICE, type X] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "POSTAGE - BHOPAL STATE" overprinted SERVICE, type Y]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
24 X ¼A - 1,63 0,81 - USD  Info
25 Y 1A - 2,17 0,54 - USD  Info
24‑25 - 3,80 1,35 - USD 
1936 -1938 Buildings overprinted SERVICE

novembre WM: Aucun Perforation: 11½ x 12

[Buildings overprinted SERVICE, type Z] [Buildings overprinted SERVICE, type AA] [Buildings overprinted SERVICE, type AB] [Buildings overprinted SERVICE, type AC] [Buildings overprinted SERVICE, type AD] [Buildings overprinted SERVICE, type AE]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
26 Z ½A - 1,08 1,08 - USD  Info
27 AA 2A - 3,25 1,08 - USD  Info
28 AB 2A - 13,00 0,54 - USD  Info
29 AC 4A - 5,42 0,81 - USD  Info
30 AD 8A - 7,04 2,71 - USD  Info
31 AE 1R - 23,83 6,50 - USD  Info
26‑31 - 53,62 12,72 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - Inscribed "BHOPAL STATE POSTAGE" overprinted SERVICE, type AF] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "BHOPAL STATE POSTAGE" overprinted SERVICE, type AG]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
32 AF 1`6A - 3,52 1,08 - USD  Info
33 AG 1`6A - 8,13 1,90 - USD  Info
32‑33 - 11,65 2,98 - USD 
1940 Animals

WM: Aucun Perforation: 11¾

[Animals, type AH] [Animals, type AI]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
34 AH ¼A - 5,42 2,17 - USD  Info
35 AI 1A - 30,34 3,25 - USD  Info
34‑35 - 35,76 5,42 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - Inscribed "SERVICE" and "BHOPAL STATE POSTAGE", type AJ]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
36 AJ 1`3A - 2,17 2,17 - USD  Info
1944 Palaces - Inscribed "SERVICE"

WM: Aucun Perforation: 12

[Palaces - Inscribed "SERVICE", type AK] [Palaces - Inscribed "SERVICE", type AL] [Palaces - Inscribed "SERVICE", type AM]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
37 AK ½A - 1,63 0,54 - USD  Info
38 AL 2A - 7,04 2,71 - USD  Info
39 AM 4A - 4,33 1,63 - USD  Info
37‑39 - 13,00 4,88 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AN] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AO] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AP] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AQ] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AR] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AS] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AT] [Coat of Arms - Inscribed "Service", type AU]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
40 AN 3P - 1,08 1,08 - USD  Info
41 AO 9P - 3,25 4,88 - USD  Info
42 AP 1A - 6,50 2,17 - USD  Info
43 AQ 1A - 10,83 4,33 - USD  Info
44 AR 1½A - 2,17 1,08 - USD  Info
45 AS 3A - 14,08 16,25 - USD  Info
46 AT 3A - 140 140 - USD  Info
47 AU 6A - 20,58 59,59 - USD  Info
40‑47 - 199 230 - USD 


De l'an

A l'an




